Heat exhaustion and heatstroke are both very real risks in hot weather. Heat can cause illness, hospitalisations and even death, so it is important to know how to stay safe in the heat, and be able to recognise the signs of these illnesses and how to treat them promptly.
Heat Exhaustion
In the heat, our bodies start to sweat causing loss of water and salt. This can lead to dehydration and becoming overheated. If heat exhaustion is not treated, it can turn into heatstroke.
Symptoms of heat exhaustion include:
Heavy sweating
Fast & weak pulse
Shallow & fast breathing
Muscle weakness or cramps
Tiredness & dizziness
Nausea or vomiting
Heat stroke is a potentially life threatening condition caused by the body becoming dangerously overheated. It can develop quickly with little warning so recognising the signs and acting quickly is important.
Symptoms of heatstroke include:
Sudden rise in body temperature
Red, hot & dry skin (sweating has stopped)
Dry, swollen tongue
Rapid pulse
Shallow & fast breathing
Extreme thirst
Dizziness or confusion
Nausea or vomiting
Poor coordination or slurred speech
Aggressive or bizarre behaviour
Loss of consciousness, seizures or coma
What to do:
Immediately try to lower body temperature by moving to a cool place and lying down
Take small sips of cool water (if the person is conscious and able to drink)
Have a cool shower or sponge down with cool water -a garden hose or soaking clothes with water will do in an emergency
Put cool packs under armpits or on the back of the neck to lower body temperature
Seek medical attention if the person vomits or does not recover quickly
If heatstroke is suspected: Call 999 immediately. If the person is unconscious, put them in the recovery position. Perform CPR if necessary
Preventing heat related illness
Drink plenty of water - staying well hydrated helps your body regulate your temperature
Keep cool - If you feel hot, seek shaded areas, have a cold drink, go for a swim or do what you need to do to cool down
Take care of others - everyone is at risk, but at greatest risk are: - elderly people - babies and young children - pregnant or breastfeeding women - people with long term health conditions such as diabetes - people who are already ill and dehydrated - people doing strenuous exercise for long periods such as manual workers and athletes
Have a plan - make sure you know how to avoid heat related illness and plan outings to minimise risk. By knowing what to do if someone shows signs of heat related illness, you could potentially save a life
Our sources & for more information: www.redcrossfirstaidtraining.co.uk www.nhs.uk www.health.nsw.gov.au
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