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Alice Monk
Dec 11, 20243 min read
7 Ways Giving Improves Your Health and the World
Did you know that “giving back” and doing nice things for others is good for your wellbeing?
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Alice Monk
Oct 14, 20244 min read
How to Keep the Momentum Going After World Mental Health Day: Fostering Mental Health Awareness and Support in the Workplace
Here’s how to build on the foundation of World Mental Health Day and create lasting mental health awareness and support in the workplace.
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Alice Monk
Sep 16, 20243 min read
The Role of Compassion in Colleague Mental Health
One of the most effective ways to support mental health at work is through compassion. Here’s why compassion matters.
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Shivaun Davidson
May 17, 20243 min read
Strategies for Mental Health Self Care at Work
Having a small 'pot’ of stress can be useful, keeping us on our toes and staying ahead of the game.
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Alice Monk
Apr 9, 20243 min read
From Burnout to Balance: Managing Your Stress Response
Chronic stress has been linked to a host of health issues, including high blood pressure. It can also take a toll on your mental well-being.
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Alice Monk
Jul 19, 20213 min read
Health Chatter: Body image and its effect on mental health
When we talk about body image, it's not just what you look like, but also how you feel about your body and your attitude towards it.
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Alice Monk
Mar 25, 20212 min read
Health Chatter: Why doing good makes you feel good
Humans are social creatures by nature, so doing something positive for someone else helps to fulfil the need for social connection.
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Alice Monk
Jan 12, 20213 min read
Health Chatter: How to nurture your friendships and protect your mental health
Nurturing fulfilling friendships will have long lasting benefits to your health and wellbeing.
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Alice Monk
May 11, 20202 min read
Health Chatter: Why kindness matters for your mental health
It has been proven that living a kinder life is more likely to lead to a happier life.
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Alice Monk
Feb 4, 20203 min read
Health Chatter: Do you look after your financial wellbeing?
When we are stressed about money, it can also lead us to make poorer financial decisions leading to a negative spiral.
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Guiliana Christmas
Dec 4, 20193 min read
Health Chatter: Slowing down to release the pressure
There is evidence that the pace and intensity of work has been increasing, with more employees multi-tasking to meet ever changing demands.
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Alice Monk
Nov 8, 20194 min read
How to celebrate Slow Down Day at home
The great thing about Slow Down Day is it can be celebrated wherever you are, so if you find yourself at home for the day.
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Alice Monk
Nov 6, 20192 min read
Health Chatter: Dementia - reducing the risk
Dementia is not a natural part of ageing. Not everybody will develop dementia, but anyone can be at risk.
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Alice Monk
Sep 9, 20193 min read
Suicide prevention at work
Suicide is the top cause of death for men under 50, and the number of cases of female suicide is rising.
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Alice Monk
Aug 5, 20193 min read
Health Chatter: Combatting tiredness
Tiredness can affect us in all sorts of ways, from making us less productive, to affecting our mood and ability to deal with things.
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Alice Monk
Jul 8, 20193 min read
Health Chatter: Walk more
Did you know that the UK population walks 1/3 less than we did 20 years ago? Walking is good for your physical & mental health.
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Alice Monk
May 13, 20194 min read
Health Chatter: Working mindfully
Mindfulness doesn’t happen by accident – you have to decide to make it a part of your day.
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Alice Monk
Apr 3, 20192 min read
Benefits of stress training for line managers
Line managers play an important role in managing workplace stress, with training they can spot signs of stress in their team and take action
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Alice Monk
Mar 7, 20193 min read
5 Practical ways to get more sleep
With World Sleep Day approaching, we've put together a list of practical ways to help you get enough zzzzs.
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Alice Monk
Feb 18, 20193 min read
Health Chatter: What to do about anxiety
Anxiety is something we’ve all experienced from time to time - it happens when we’re worried or nervous about something.
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