Example management information reports
We can provide management information reports to our contracted clients to give you clarity around the OH activity that's taken place over a period of time.
This data can help you understand how the OH service is performing, give you a high-level overview of outcomes, allow you to keep an eye on trends and identify any issues that might need investigation.
Appointment activity information can show you how much the OH service has been utilised, what attendance is like, and identify whether non-attendance is particularly high in a specific department, for example.
Health surveillance analysis is helpful for spotting trends such as whether there is a particularly high number of new skin issues reported by employees in a certain job role. This could indicate that a new material or new process is adversely affecting them and needs to be remedied. Or whether workers in a certain area are experiencing more audio referrals than is expected prompting an investigation into the efficacy of PPE or maintenance of the equipment. Having this information regularly means you can identify issues quickly and put measures in place to fix them if necessary.
Management / OH referral data can also help you spot trends and monitor them over time. For example, if the data shows a peak in referrals for stress in your finance department, you can look at what might be causing it and take steps to remedy. The data can also show you how effective we have been - how quickly we've been able to offer appointments, how many times we have seen each person before closing their case, and what the most common outcome is.
Each report is bespoke to each client depending on their needs. You can request specific information, or we can provide the information we believe is most relevant given our knowledge of your business and responsibilities.